Thursday 8 August 2024

Farage Riots

Why are they called the "Farage Riots". Well, quite simply, responsibility for these riots scan be pinned on Nigel Farage.


Of course Tom Robinson, Sex Trafficker Tate etc can all take a chunk of the blame. They are all the foot soldiers of some very unpleasant people. Just like Elon "Space Karen" Musk and fellow PayPal alumnus Peter Thiel but with less cash.

Trying to tick as many boxes in Fascist bingo.

Sunday 7 July 2024

Hard Stupid

Well, an interesting few days in politics is drawing to a close. I both the UK and France, the centre/left seems to have held. There are definitely more right wing cranks with jobs than I'd like, but fortunately far fewer than they would like.

The only ones who seem to think that the hard right have won are the crank left because that's what they predicted, so that must be the reality and everything else is an illusion.

In France the 3rd places centre or left stood down in a lot of places to keep the far right in check, and it looks like where they didn't step down the voters voted tactical and did the swap themselves. That, and the apathetic got out and voted.

 So hopefully the grown-ups are now in charge in the UK. Do what needs to be done, do the unpopular now. Competence is everything, I want to go to bed most nights and not worry what is going to go be fucked up overnight by who ever is in Number 10.

For god’s sake, USA, don't make this all pointless.

Monday 3 June 2024

Election fever

Social media is definitely alive with election fever but the rest of the world less so. It is the usual subjects making the post noise. The hard left and hard right claiming to speak for a majority and barely getting into double figures anywhere.

For the Tories, the numbers look genuinely apocalyptic and 3rd place is a real possibility.

The loudest anti Labour voices are those of the failed hijackers, them being outside the party and loudly so is likely the greatest electoral asset labour could have. It is possible that independents will win a few seats but an insignificant amount, this of course will not shut them up.

They seem to be totally delusional, incapable of seeing outside their own echo chamber. After the last election, one of their leading lights Rachel Long Bailey announced she was surprised and had thought the worst they would do would be a hung parliament. I had talked with several rational members of the left before the vote, and they thought a kicking was on the way. And so it transpired.

Labour under the last leader had stopped listening to the working class, the group it was set up to support. Instead, it was the paternalistic middle class who had taken control and not for the first time and like the last time they did it led to disaster for the working class.

This will not stop future hijack attempts because without the Labour Party the middle class cannot hope to win. The fates of TUSC and Militant show that, but that is not something that bothers the paternalistic. They are locked in a permanent battle with their arch enemy, the paternalistic right. 

Alan Johnson called it correctly after the last election.

From  FT


Friday 24 May 2024

Don't blame the victim.

 It turns out the derailleur may have been the victim of axle failure. I cannot see a combination of it and a spoke having sufficient strength to snap an axel.
So that and entire new back wheel.

Thursday 23 May 2024

Buy a Bike it's cheeper than a car and keeps you fit.

I have owned such reliable cars as a Triumph Spitfire 1500. A legendary unreliable car from a legendary unreliable manufacturer in a legendary unreliable era.

I spent less time fixing that than I have my 2nd hand Viking Urban X. In about 2 years I have had to replace the bottom bracket bearing twice, the front and rear brake calipers, the rear set of cogs again twice and the chain twice.  

 Nearly forgot the pedals have had to be changed too.

I do about 30/35 miles a week, 99% on roads. I've put on 10lbs.

Today coming back from the office the rear derailleur disassembled itself.

So that is another Amazon order in.

I'll bet when the new set is fitted, the annoying squeak under load is still there.